Backroom Caracas




#000000Bienvenidos a Backroom


#88c6e0Reír bajo la manga


#000Según y a través de Luis Miguel Isava


In this piece by Michael Labarca, the Zulia-born filmmaker employs footage recorded between takes of his short film La culpa, probablemente, to show viewers what makes up the substance that floods intermediate moments –the expectant looks, the expressions of concentration, the moment in which the narrative drama is broken, or the peculiar disposition of bodies around the fiction about to take place.


Yeni y Nan

Un vistazo al catálogo de la exposición de las artistas venezolanas Yeni y Nan. Diseño: Carlos E. Rodríguez. Editado en Caracas por la Galería Nacional de Arte en 1982.          


Live Forever. Elizabeth Peyton

Un vistazo al libro Live Forever. Elizabeth Peyton. Editado por Phaidon Press Limited en asociación con New Museum. 2008                    


Eurythmia #6

Correspondencia entre la fotografía de Emilie Bjork, Lúa Ocaña, Laura Carrasco Vela, Luisa Díaz Duran, Hideki Tsuchiya, Thobias Malberg, José Enrique Montes, Allison-Scarpulla y Florencia Alvarado.


Voices and Glances from La Dolorita

…bajo la mirada de otro. “Ser un hombre”, sugería Primo Levi. George Didi-Huberman, Pueblos expuestos, pueblos figurantes.     Being and Time is the enigmatic title Heidegger gave to his analysis of human existence. With this title, he warned that only to be woven with time can offer us the possibility of being thrown (as we | ... |


Las puertas giratorias: de Artaud a Morrison

El arte será la puerta giratoria, el lenguaje que precisa el alma para manifestarse, el medio por el cual podríamos recuperar la sensación de unidad indisoluble entre cuerpo y espíritu, palabra y cosa, gesto y realidad.



  For New York-based artist Jonathan Monaghan, Extell works as a kind of conceptual sketch. A robotic voice tries to seduce us with promises of wealth and status, while the camera offers a view of a virtual Central Park, then leads us into a perfect, neat, impossible to inhabit apartment. The artifice eventually leads to | ... |


The Notebooks: Sketches by Designers, Illustrators and Creatives

A look at The Notebooks: Sketches by Designers, Illustrators, and Creatives by Richard Brereton, published by BLUMEN in 2009.                  


Querido Autómata

Se popularizó entonces la idea de que Dios era sinónimo del Gran Relojero y que el cuerpo humano no era otra cosa que el más perfecto de los relojes. El hombre, al final, sería una máquina orgánica. Una máquina con espíritu. El fantasma que habita la carcaza de piel. Somos tecnología rara y sensible, que piensa, inventa, respira.


The Other Jouissance of Porn

Some discourses allow glimpsing at the structuring traits of a time. “The truth” of a time is revealed not as much by its symbolic regulations as by its manifestations on the bodies. Although both keys are inseparable for thinking a specific culture, a substantial difference determines them: The former places itself on the arbitrary dimension of sense (an established order), the latter, instead, is due to the jouissance of the body (the singular manifestations that arise in it).


Voices and Glances from La Dolorita

…bajo la mirada de otro. “Ser un hombre”, sugería Primo Levi. George Didi-Huberman, Pueblos expuestos, pueblos figurantes.     Being and Time is the enigmatic title Heidegger gave to his analysis of human existence. With this title, he warned that only to be woven with time can offer us the possibility of being thrown (as we | ... |


Las puertas giratorias: de Artaud a Morrison

El arte será la puerta giratoria, el lenguaje que precisa el alma para manifestarse, el medio por el cual podríamos recuperar la sensación de unidad indisoluble entre cuerpo y espíritu, palabra y cosa, gesto y realidad.



  For New York-based artist Jonathan Monaghan, Extell works as a kind of conceptual sketch. A robotic voice tries to seduce us with promises of wealth and status, while the camera offers a view of a virtual Central Park, then leads us into a perfect, neat, impossible to inhabit apartment. The artifice eventually leads to | ... |


The Notebooks: Sketches by Designers, Illustrators and Creatives

A look at The Notebooks: Sketches by Designers, Illustrators, and Creatives by Richard Brereton, published by BLUMEN in 2009.                  


Querido Autómata

Se popularizó entonces la idea de que Dios era sinónimo del Gran Relojero y que el cuerpo humano no era otra cosa que el más perfecto de los relojes. El hombre, al final, sería una máquina orgánica. Una máquina con espíritu. El fantasma que habita la carcaza de piel. Somos tecnología rara y sensible, que piensa, inventa, respira.


The Other Jouissance of Porn

Some discourses allow glimpsing at the structuring traits of a time. “The truth” of a time is revealed not as much by its symbolic regulations as by its manifestations on the bodies. Although both keys are inseparable for thinking a specific culture, a substantial difference determines them: The former places itself on the arbitrary dimension of sense (an established order), the latter, instead, is due to the jouissance of the body (the singular manifestations that arise in it).


Voices and Glances from La Dolorita

…bajo la mirada de otro. “Ser un hombre”, sugería Primo Levi. George Didi-Huberman, Pueblos expuestos, pueblos figurantes.     Being and Time is the enigmatic title Heidegger gave to his analysis of human existence. With this title, he warned that only to be woven with time can offer us the possibility of being thrown (as we | ... |


Las puertas giratorias: de Artaud a Morrison

El arte será la puerta giratoria, el lenguaje que precisa el alma para manifestarse, el medio por el cual podríamos recuperar la sensación de unidad indisoluble entre cuerpo y espíritu, palabra y cosa, gesto y realidad.



  For New York-based artist Jonathan Monaghan, Extell works as a kind of conceptual sketch. A robotic voice tries to seduce us with promises of wealth and status, while the camera offers a view of a virtual Central Park, then leads us into a perfect, neat, impossible to inhabit apartment. The artifice eventually leads to | ... |


The Notebooks: Sketches by Designers, Illustrators and Creatives

A look at The Notebooks: Sketches by Designers, Illustrators, and Creatives by Richard Brereton, published by BLUMEN in 2009.                  


Querido Autómata

Se popularizó entonces la idea de que Dios era sinónimo del Gran Relojero y que el cuerpo humano no era otra cosa que el más perfecto de los relojes. El hombre, al final, sería una máquina orgánica. Una máquina con espíritu. El fantasma que habita la carcaza de piel. Somos tecnología rara y sensible, que piensa, inventa, respira.


The Other Jouissance of Porn

Some discourses allow glimpsing at the structuring traits of a time. “The truth” of a time is revealed not as much by its symbolic regulations as by its manifestations on the bodies. Although both keys are inseparable for thinking a specific culture, a substantial difference determines them: The former places itself on the arbitrary dimension of sense (an established order), the latter, instead, is due to the jouissance of the body (the singular manifestations that arise in it).


Wolfgang Tillmans, Truth Study Center

A look at the book Wolfgang Tillmans, Truth Study Center, edited and designed by Tillmans himself. TASCHEN, 2005.                


Monstruos #1

A look at Monstruos #1, a fanzine published in February 2014 in Madrid. Participants: Enrique Ventosa, Rebecca Hourdaki, Jorge Frigenti, Eugenio Fernández, Paula Currás, Ana Olmedo, Alvaro Carrillo, Fernando Cremades, Carlos Ramírez Pantanella.  


Madrid, Between The Milky Way and the Cloud: The Adorable Grotesque

Recounting a trip you returned from some time ago is no piece of cake. There is always a sort of slip of the head, as if the past had slid down the shower drain, as if “returning” was a haircut with memory at the tips. This is why sometimes keeping a journal is an advantage, or if none exists, having been more or less consistent with the uploading of photos and thoughts to cyberspace—this dematerialized place we so inhabit—could also work. There we can search for what was said and seen—to avoid repetition or to invoke it—: to live up in the clouds.


José Joaquín Figueroa

José Joaquín Figueroa (Caracas, 1986) is an interdisciplinary artist currently based in Berkeley, California. He began his artistic training in Caracas, where he studied Painting at the Universidad Experimental de las Artes (2007-2010), and continued later at the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture (2009). He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Art from the Cooper Union | ... |


The Outline of Things

Maybe aesthetics can only deal today with works in uninterrupted progress.   The paintings of Alberto Giacometti seem to privilege a vision at the edge of the unfinished: in principle, it emphasizes a series of lines that, in the work of others, could be interpreted as guides. Whoever observes any of his canvases may imagine | ... |


Thom Yorke, un vacío habitado por lo urgente

Los elementos de la vida de Thom Yorke en este disco –los efectos de la pérdida de su relación con su mujer, fundamental en su vida–, dejan señales por todo el recorrido de A Moon Shaped Pool. Eso puede distraernos. Así como los elementos bellamente disonantes en la música nos distraen del hecho de que está construida para señalarnos un vacío habitado.


Rigor Mortis

Por Carlos Salazar Lermont. Rigor Mortis; una fotografía digital de aproximadamente ochenta y cuatro por noventa y siete centímetros, muestra mis dos brazos. Uno, en estado normal; el otro entumecido, frío, morado, azul, verde, cadavérico, como muerto. Ambos reposan sobre lino blanco, reminiscente de una mortaja, quizás a alguna como el Sudario de Turín, aquella falsificación en la cual muchos todavía creen ver la fidedigna impresión milagrosa del polémico nazareno.


Les Belles Histoires

A look at Les Belles Histoires Du Seigneur by Brantôme. Printed July 30, 1924. Illustrations by Joseph Hémard. Edited by H. Barthélemy for Les Éditions G. Crès et Cie. Copy No. 1695 of a print run of 1700.                         We extend special thanks to | ... |


Notas sobre mínimos movimientos

Por Eleonora Requena. Sé que escoger una toma de un objeto es anclar una de sus múltiples, ilimitadas variaciones de movimiento. Merleau Ponty desgrana tan finamente el proceso de percepción del objeto que no puedo hacer otra cosa que citarlo para explicarme: “mirar un objeto es habitarlo y desde ahí captar todas las cosas según la cara que vuelven hacia él. Pero, en la medida en que también las veo a ellas, quedan como habitaciones abiertas a mi mirada, y, virtualmente situado en ellas, apercibo ya, bajo ángulos diferentes, el objeto central de mi visión actual”. Esta perspectiva también fija lo mirado desde el punto de vista temporal, desde el momento cuando miro y grabo ese pequeño soplo de tiempo, lo sustraigo de las otras posibilidades de la mirada. Fue esa y no otra la toma que capté y la hice propia, acaso como una memoria fija en mi mente ( y sé que esto es imposible en cuanto será memoria transfigurada cada vez que la recuerde). Toma hecha video e insertada en la red, susceptible al mínimo movimiento de un dedo sobre el mouse o sobre la pantalla, instaurada en su duración en la mirada y la memoria de otro, que si fugaz en el vértigo de las imágenes de la red, acaso haga su huella de lentitud en quien la miró hacia adentro también.


Para llegar a Joaquín Cortés

Por Rafael Castillo Zapata. ¿Por qué se me resiste tanto la escritura sobre la fotografía de Joaquín Cortés? ¿Por qué sigue sin encenderse la chispa que desencadene una reflexión? Es como si, ante sus imágenes, me quedara de repente perplejo, perplejo y mudo, incapaz de decir nada, con la sensación soterrada de que es inútil hablar de unas imágenes que sólo piden ser vistas, disfrutadas por el ojo y que, por lo tanto, repelen de plano todo comentario, toda elaboración verbal, toda insistencia intelectual.


Wolfgang Tillmans, Truth Study Center

A look at the book Wolfgang Tillmans, Truth Study Center, edited and designed by Tillmans himself. TASCHEN, 2005.                


Monstruos #1

A look at Monstruos #1, a fanzine published in February 2014 in Madrid. Participants: Enrique Ventosa, Rebecca Hourdaki, Jorge Frigenti, Eugenio Fernández, Paula Currás, Ana Olmedo, Alvaro Carrillo, Fernando Cremades, Carlos Ramírez Pantanella.  


Madrid, Between The Milky Way and the Cloud: The Adorable Grotesque

Recounting a trip you returned from some time ago is no piece of cake. There is always a sort of slip of the head, as if the past had slid down the shower drain, as if “returning” was a haircut with memory at the tips. This is why sometimes keeping a journal is an advantage, or if none exists, having been more or less consistent with the uploading of photos and thoughts to cyberspace—this dematerialized place we so inhabit—could also work. There we can search for what was said and seen—to avoid repetition or to invoke it—: to live up in the clouds.


José Joaquín Figueroa

José Joaquín Figueroa (Caracas, 1986) is an interdisciplinary artist currently based in Berkeley, California. He began his artistic training in Caracas, where he studied Painting at the Universidad Experimental de las Artes (2007-2010), and continued later at the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture (2009). He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Art from the Cooper Union | ... |


The Outline of Things

Maybe aesthetics can only deal today with works in uninterrupted progress.   The paintings of Alberto Giacometti seem to privilege a vision at the edge of the unfinished: in principle, it emphasizes a series of lines that, in the work of others, could be interpreted as guides. Whoever observes any of his canvases may imagine | ... |


Thom Yorke, un vacío habitado por lo urgente

Los elementos de la vida de Thom Yorke en este disco –los efectos de la pérdida de su relación con su mujer, fundamental en su vida–, dejan señales por todo el recorrido de A Moon Shaped Pool. Eso puede distraernos. Así como los elementos bellamente disonantes en la música nos distraen del hecho de que está construida para señalarnos un vacío habitado.


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